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Seismic Interpretation and Modeling


Lct, Inc.

3MOD is an interactive, horizon-based, three-dimensional, gravity andmagnetic field modeling program. It is a powerful tool for producingrealistic geologic models that satisfy known geologic, seismic, andobserved gravity and magnetic field data. The geologic model ispresented as a series of stacked grids, each representing the depth to aparticular geologic horizon. The density and velocity between thesehorizons may be specified in a variety of ways to create and alter themodel.3MOD uses a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) approach in the calculation ofpotential fields. This enables three-dimensional potential fieldmodeling procedures to be performed in a truly interactive environment.Changes are made to the model in real time and the potential fieldresponse is calculated immediately, allowing rapid convergence to anacceptable geologic model. The FFT method is used for fast computationspeed in the forward mode. A semi-automatic, iterative inverse mode toimprove the structural model is also included.Features:contrasts. Background density or magnetization may be defined. Variabledensity or magnetization grids may be used.regridding; convenient editing of model parameters; and Pan/Zoom of mapor profile views.file management system.

Language: FORTRAN, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Color workstation or monitor, x windows
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3

Lct, Inc.
1155 Dairy Ashford St Suite 306
Houston, TX 77079
Phone: (713) 558-8383
Fax: (713) 558-8384